One nice thing about visiting my family in Idaho is getting to see some mountains and trees. I didn’t expect to see this clean and mean looking ’71 Dart Swinger for sale on the side of the road, just a couple miles from the Wyoming border. It somehow looks right at home out there, and it looked a damn sight better than my old ’71 Dart Swinger, which was official grandma-spec with the ubiquitous slant 6 motor, column automatic, and triple green color combo.
1971 Dodge Dart Swinger Needs New Home On The Range

1 comment
Our family had the same Swinger as you. Slant 6, 225ci. Tough engine but would stall at a stop often. Baby Shit brown on green interior.
Loved the car for its classic lines. Hated the car for its classic lines. Sold in pristine condition at 120K miles in Roanoke, VA in 1984 for a Sentra… Regretted it since.